
A Complete List of Braille Contractions:
Grade Three Only

In the table below, the first column gives the word or part word in Roman orthography. The second column provides the contracted braille representation given in the Duxbury font. The third column describes this representation using letters and dot numbers.

Romanized Form Braille Description
account acc acc
acknowledge ack ack
acknowledgement ack;t ack dots 5-6 t
agree agr agr
agreeable agr# agr dots 3-4-5-6
ai @ dot 4
all _a dots 4-5-6 a
allow _[ dots 4-5-6 dots 2-4-6
alone "1 dot 5 dot 2
along _1 dots 4-5-6 dot 2
am 1 dot 2
among "a dot 5 a
an 1 dot 2
ances .z dots 4-6 z
another ^1 dots 4-5 dot 2
answer ans ans
anxious anx anx
any @& dot 4 dots 1-2-3-4-6
anybody ^& dots 4-5 dots 1-2-3-4-6
anyone "& dot 5 dots 1-2-3-4-6
anything _& dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-3-4-6
appear ^a dots 4-5 a
are 4 dots 2-5-6
ask "z dot 5 z
at ' dot 3
au @ dot 4
ay @ dot 4
bear ^b dots 4-5 b
become "2 dot 5 dots 2-3
been 6 dots 2-3-5
beginning @2 dot 4 dots 2-3
believe ^2 dots 4-5 dots 2-3
belong _2 dots 4-5-6 dots 2-3
best b/ b dots 3-4
better @b dot 4 b
bly .y dots 4-6 y
book bk bk
both b? b dots 1-4-5-6
bring "b dot 5 b
brought _b dots 4-5-6 b
business bus;s bus dots 5-6 s
came _- dots 4-5-6 dots 3-6
ce - dots 3-6
certain c] c dots 1-2-4-5-6
change @* dot 4 dots 1-6
charge _* dots 4-5-6 dots 1-6
chief ^* dots 4-5 dots 1-6
christ "c dot 5 c
church ** dots 1-6 dots 1-6
clear ^c dots 4-5 c
come - dots 3-6
comes ^- dots 4-5 dots 3-6
coming @- dot 4 dots 3-6
common "- dot 5 dots 3-6
concern @3 dot 4 dots 2-5
condition "3 dot 5 dots 2-5
consider ^3 dots 4-5 dots 2-5
continue _3 dots 4-5-6 dots 2-5
course @c dot 4 c
cy - dots 3-6
de- j j
dear ^4 dots 4-5 dots 2-5-6
did _d 4-5-6 d
differ @4 dot 4 dots 2-5-6
difficult d6c d dots 2-3-5 c
does ^d dots 4-5 d
doing @d dot 4 d
done _d dots 4-5-6 d
down _4 dots 4-5-6 dots 2-5-6
during "4 dot 5 dots 2-5-6
each ^e dots 4-5 e
ee " dot 5
ei " dot 5
ences ;z dots 5-6 z
enclose _5 dots 4-5-6 dorts 2-6
endeavor ^5 dots 4-5 dots 2-6
enter @5 dot 4 dots 2-6
entire "5 dot 5 dots 2-6
eo " dot 5
es z z
especial e< e dots 1-2-6
etc @e dot 4 e
eu " dot 5
even _e dots 4-5-6 e
everybody ebdy ebdy
everyone e"o e dot 5 o
everything e?+ e dots 1-4-5-6 dots 3-4-6
everywhere e": e dot 5 dots 1-5-6
ex x x
example _x dots 4-5-6 x
exceeding xd+ xd dots 3-4-6
except @x dot 4 x
extra "x dot 5 x
extreme ^x dots 4-5 x
ey " dot 5
faith f? f 1-4-5-6
fear ^f dots 4-5 f
few fw fw
follow _f dots 4-5-6 f
foreign "= dot 5 1-2-3-4-5-6
forget @= dot 4 1-2-3-4-5-6
fortunate _= dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-3-4-5-6
fortune ^= dots 4-5 dots 1-2-3-4-5-6
forward =w dots 1-2-3-4-5-6 w
frequent frq frq
gave _7 dots 4-5-6 dots 2-3-5-6
-ge 7 dots 2-3-5-6
general g5 g dots 2-6
get gt gt
gg 7 2-3-5-6
give "7 dot 5 dots 2-3-5-6
given _7 dots 4-5-6 dots 2-3-5-6
giving @7 dot 4 dots 2-3-5-6
glory gl gl
god "g dot 5 g
goes ^g dots 4-5 7
going @g dot 4 g
gone _g dots 4-5-6 g
govern gov gov
grace gr gr
great ^7 dots 4-5 dots 2-3-5-6
has ^h dots 4-5 h
having @h dot 4 h
he @8 dot 4 dots 2-3-6
hear ^8 dots 4-5 dots 2-3-6
help hlp hlp
her _8 dots 4-5-6 dots 2-3-6
herself h]f h dots 1-2-4-5-6 f
holy hl hl
home hme hme
house "8 dot 5 dots 2-3-6
how "[ dot 5 dots 2-4-6
however ^[ dots 4-5 dots 2-4-6
ia , dot 6
ian , dot 6
idea ^i dots 4-5 i
ie , dot 6
if @i dot 4 i
import "i dot 5 i
improve _i dots 4-5-6 i
indeed 9d dots 3-5 d
inside @9 dot 4 dots 3-5
instant "9 dot 5 dots 3-5
instead ^9 dts 4-5 dots 3-5
interest _9 dots 4-5-6 dots 3-5
io , dot 6
ion , dot 6
ire i i
is 3 dots 2-5
ize : dots 1-5-6
Jesus "j dot 5 j
join @j dot 4 j
judge ^j dots 4-5 j
judgment _j dots 4-5-6 j
justice j- j dots 3-6
justly j^ j dots 4-5
keep ^k dots 4-5 k
kind @k dot 4 k
knew _k dots 4-5-6 k
known _k dots 4-5-6 k
le q q
least ^l dots 4-5 l
leave ^v dot 4-5 v
left _v dots 4-5-6 v
let lt lt
life @l dot 4 l
likely l^ l dots 4-5
likewise lw: lw dots 1-5-6
live @v dot 4 v
ll _ dots 4-5-6
long _l dots 4-5-6 l
look lk lk
-ly ^ dot 4-5
made _) dots 4-5-6 dots 2-3-4-5-6
make ") dot 5 dots 2-3-4-5-6
may @m dot 4 m
me > dots 3-4-5
mean ^> dots 4-5 dots 3-4-5
member mm mm
might @> dot 4 dots 3-4-5
mind "> dot 5 dots 3-4-5
moreover mo mo
most ^m dots 4-5 m
my _> dots 4-5-6 dots 3-4-5
near ^n dots 4-5 n
necessarily nec^ nec dots 4-5
never _n dots 4-5-6 n
nevertheless _n. dots 4-5-6 n dots 4-6
new nw nw
next @n dot 4 n
no # dots 3-4-5-6
nobody ^# dots 4-5 dots 3-4-5-6
none "# dot 5 dots 3-4-5-6
nor nr nr
north nr? nr dots 1-4-5-6
note n0 n dots 3-5-6
notes ntz ntz
nothing _# dots 4-5-6 dots 3-4-5-6
notwithstanding n+ n dots 3-4-6
now [ 2-4-6
number @# dot 4 dots 3-4-5-6
oa ^ dots 4-5
oe ^ dots 4-5
offer @( dot 4 dots 1-2-3-5-6
office ^( dots 4-5 dots 1-2-3-5-6
official _( dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-3-5-6
often "( dot 5 dots 1-2-3-5-6
oi ^ dots 4-5
old @o dot 4 o
on o o
once o- o dots 3-6
only o^ o dots 4-5
oo ^ dots 4-5
or + dots 3-4-6
order "+ dot 5 dots 3-4-6
ordinarily _+ dots 4-5-6 dots 3-4-6
ordinary ^+ dots 4-5 dots 3-4-6
origin @+ dot 4 dots 3-4-6
other ^o dots 4-5 o
ounce ^\ dots 4-5 dots 1-2-5-6
our _\ dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-5-6
ous \ dots 1-2-5-6
outside @\ dot 4 dots 1-2-5-6
over _o dots 4-5-6 o
own @[ dot 4 dots 2-4-6
oy ^ dots 4-5
particular "pr dot 5 pr
please ^p dots 4-5 p
possible p# p dots 3-4-5-6
possibly p.y p dots 4-6 y
pp - dots 3-6
pre @p dot 4 p
present @ps dot 4 ps
prevent @pv dot 4 pv
pro _p dots 4-5-6 p
probable _p# dots 4-5-6 p dots 3-4-5-6
probably _p.y dots 4-5-6 p dots 4-6 y
put pt pt
qu q q
quality _q dots 4-5-6 q
quick ^q dots 4-5 q
quiet @q dot 4 q
re [ dots 2-4-6
read ^r dots 4-5 r
regular _r dots 4-5-6 r
represent @r dot 4 r
rr 8 dots 2-3-6
rule rq rq
rules rlz rlz
ry " dot 5
said same @s dot 4 s
se : dots 1-5-6
sea ^s dots 4-5 s
see ^s dots 4-5 s
seem ^z dots 4-5 z
shalt _% dots 4-5-6 dots 1-4-6
share ^% dots 4-5 dots 1-4-6
she @% dot 4 dots 1-4-6
short "% dot 5 dots 1-4-6
side @z dot 4 z
sign sgn sgn
somebody sbdy sbdy
somehow sh[ sh dots 3-4-6
someone s"o s dot 5 o
something s?+ s dots 1-4-5-6 dots 3-4-6
sometimes sts sts
somewhat s$ s dots 1-2-4-6
somewhere s": s dot 5 dots 1-5-6
son sn sn
soon _z dots 4-5-6 z
sp < dots 1-2-6
speak ^< dots 4-5 dots 1-2-6
special "< dot 5 dots 1-2-6
spoke _< dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-6
spoken _< dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-6
ss . dots 4-6
straight "/ dot 5 dots 3-4
strange @/ dot 4 dots 3-4
strength ^/ dots 4-5 dots 3-4
strong _/ dots 4-5-6 dots 3-4
subject sbjct sbjct
suggest s7/ s dots 2-3-5-6 dots 3-4
surely su^ su dots 4-5
te 0 dots 3-5-6
than @? dot 4 dots 1-4-5-6
them < dots 1-2-6
themselves !mvs dots 1-2-6 vs
then @! dot 4 dots 2-3-4-6
therefore !f dots 2-3-4-6 f
they @< dot 4 dots 1-2-6
thing ^' dots 4-5 dot 3
things _' dots 4-5-6 dot 3
think ?k dots 1-4-5-6 k
though _? dots 4-5-6 dots 1-4-5-6
thus ?s dots 1-4-5-6 s
together @6 dot 4 dots 2-3-5
too ^6 dots 4-5 dots 2-3-5
took tk tk
towards "6 dot 5 dots 2-3-5
treat ^t dots 4-5 t
true @t dot 4 t
truly _t dots 4-5-6 t
trust tr/ tr dots 3-4
truth tr? tr dots 1-4-5-6
tt 0 dots 3-5-6
turn trn trn
ty ; dots 5-6
ua ; dots 5-6
ue ; dots 5-6
ui ; dots 5-6
un + dots 3-4-6
undo +d dots 3-4-6 d
unjust +j dots 3-4-6 j
unless +. dots 3-4-6 dots 4-6
unlike +l dots 3-4-6 l
until +t dots 3-4-6 t
unto _+ dots 4-5-6 dots 3-4-6
up @u dot 4 u
ure u u
uu ; dots 5-6
uy ; dots 5-6
valuable vl# vl dots 3-4-5-6
value vl vl
various v> v dots 3-4-5
-ve v v
want @] dot 4 dots 1-2-4-5-6
-ward w w
we ] dots 1-2-4-5-6
weak ^] dots 4-5 dots 1-2-4-5-6
week ^] dots 4-5 dots 1-2-4-5-6
well _] dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-4-5-6
went "] dot 5 dots 1-2-4-5-6
west w/ w dots 3-4
what $ dots 1-2-4-6
whatever $"e dots 1-2-4-6 dot 5 e
whatsoever $so"e dots 1-2-4-6 s dot 5 e
when @$ dot 4 dots 1-2-4-6
wherefore :f dots 1-5-6 f
wherever :r dots 1-5-6 r
whether ^$ dots 4-5 dots 1-2-4-6
whichever :"e dots 1-5-6 dot 5 e
while _$ dots 4-5-6 dots 1-2-4-6
who @: dot 4 dots 1-5-6
whole _: dots 4-5-6 dots 1-5-6
whom :m dots 1-5-6 m
whose ^: dots 4-5 dots 1-5-6
why "$ dot 5 dots 1-2-4-6
willing @w dot 4 w
within @) dot 4 dots 2-3-4-5-6
without ^) dots 4-5 dots 2-3-4-5-6
woman wmn wmn
women wm5 wm dots 2-6
write "0 dot 5 dots 3-5-6
writes ^0 dots 4-5 dots 3-5-6
writing @0 dot 4 dots 3-5-6
written _0 dots 4-5-6 dots 3-5-6
wrote _0 dots 4-5-6 dots 3-5-6
year ^y dots 4-5 y
yesterday yd yd
yet @y dot 4 y
your _y dots 4-5-6 y

Updated: November 16, 2011