Language Structure Problems

What process or processes do you use to move from the first utterance to the second below

1. have to -- [hæftʌ]

2. Miss Chelsea -- [mIʃtʃεlsi]

3. I asked her a question -- [aj æsktər ʌ kwεʃtʃIn]

4. around here somewhere -- [rawnhir sʌmwer]

5. I don't think so -- [ajdowʔθIŋk sow ]

6. the Johnson family -- [ðə dʒansən fæmli]

7. February thirteenth -- [fεbueri θərtinθ]

8. nuclear blast -- [nukjulər blæs]

9. this student is happy -- [ðis εstuden is hapi]

10. that's going to be my pumpkin -- [ðætzgʌnə bi maj pʌŋkIn]