Language Structure Problems

Find the SAMPA Transcription Errors

In the following story, there is one error per line. Find and correct it. Note that there is often more than one way to correctly pronounce words. Find the place in each line which truly has to be wrong.

NB: The easiest way to turn this in will be to simply copy and paste the word with the error in it into a text file and then type the correction.


1. [haj] [my nejm Iz bab]
2. [aj {m not hjumIn]
3. [aj {m V kjut lItl= tEdi bar]
4. [aj {m wVn Vv Dows EkstrV sOft wVnz]
5. [maj nows Iz pINk]
6. [maj mawD Iz Olwejz smajlIN]
7. [aj h{f V grin h{t]
8. [maj fIt ar blu]
9. [maj tumi Iz jElow]
10. [maj irz are hart Sept]
11. [Der Iz V bEll On maj tejl]
12. [aj mEZr= Dri IntSIz In hajt]
13. [maj cowt {nd taj ar l{vEndr=]
14. [aj wejr fVzi strajpt pants {nd V wajt Sr=t]
15. [Der Iz V flawr= in maj hejr]
16. [{nd V pis sin On maj tSik]
17. [aj Olsow h{v V m{str=z dIgri In bIznIs {dministrejSIn]
18. [maj kVmp{ni brInz In fIfti TawzIn dalr=z V mVnT]
19. [T{ts owvr= h{f V mIljIn V jir]
20. [bVt stIl sumhaw nobVdi tejks mi veri siriVsli waj Iz D{t]